Canvas Art by
Glen Hoffman

It's been quite a journey. Not very satisfied with working with some of the largest banks in NYC in the early 90's I pivoted and by the late 90's I became a Digital Artist. I believe that I was the first person to create art specifically for Home Theaters/Acoustic Panels. This fueled my company 3-D Squared, to become one of the leaders in the Home Theater Design industry.
3-D Squared continues to create amazing, original designs for Home Theaters (and acoustic panels) for clients throughout the country. Looking forward to exploring even more fantastic designs in the future.
What I'm really excited about is the advent and popularity of NFT's. This new marketplace for Digital Art is so in my wheelhouse. I can get lost for hours creating Digital Art, but to be honest, hadn't really explored it too much the last 10 years since I didn't think there was much of a commercial market for it. However, now that there is newfound interest in Digital Art via NFT's, my creative spirit has been awakened and I have been creating new, exciting pieces on a daily basis.
In all my pieces, I apply many of the traditional art compositional principles such as focal point, negative space, color palette, texture, value, abstract shapes and eye movement.
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